Thursday, August 20, 2009

Teaching moments

Ansley: (explaining adding the -ing to a verb)) Ansley is teaching the class. Repeat after me: Ansley is teaching the class.
Student: Ansley is touching the class. Ansley is touching the class.

Ansley: (practicing a dialogue) Do you have any rice?
Student: Yes, I have lice! Would you like some lice?

Student: You have strange. (pointing to his eyes)
Ansley: I have something in my eye? (feels around eyes, looking for eye boogers)
Student: No, you have strange....eyes....strange. Not like us (points to other students).
Ansley: Yep, I'm weird and different, that's for sure.
Student: What? No understand.
Ansley: Never mind. Read your book.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Love the stories....please keep them coming. Gosh, I miss you!
